Travel Gate Sweden

Visit the ship Götheborg in Gothenburg

“All ingenious ideas have a degree of madness. It is there fore good to know that adventure lives on, and madness still flourishes at the Terra Nova shipyard. The very same madness took the replica “The Swedish Ship Götheborg” to China.”
On Saturday the 9th of June the ship will return to its homeport in Gothenburg after an expedition of nearly 20 months. The ship will then have visited more than 12 different ports in five different continents. Last port is London from where the departure is planned to June 2 and arrival in Gothenburg June 9 at noon to Älvsborg Castle.

Älvsborgs FästningÄlvsborg Castle on the south bank (next to Klippan by the southern abutment of Älvsborg Bridge) was the centre of our western defences.
To the north, Bohuslän belonged to Norway, while Skåne and Halland were Danish territory. Old Älvsborg Castle was captured twice by the Danes, in 1553 and 1613.

Now it is an exciting location for events and culture visits.

Follow and read more about the expedition here.

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