Travel Gate Sweden

Växjö Best Sustainble City?

The town in southern Sweden,  Växjö is currently one of the most successful cities in terms of reducing CO2 emissions; 51% of Växjö’s energy comes from natural sources such as biomass, waterpower, geothermic energy and solar power. Emissions per resident have been reduced by 25% in just 10 years.

Given this state of affairs, it is quite possible that by 2015, Växjö will be the first city in the world that is entirely independent from fossil fuels (source: Växjö is one of the few cities to have an open approach to this matter, with clear definitions and goals, and measurable results.

The mayor of the Swedish town Växjö, Bo Carl Gunnar Frank, who is also chairman of the Covenant of Mayors – who are involved in local sustainable energy – has agreed to make a keynote speech during the final plenary session of SB10 on 13 October in Aachen, Germany. This will take the form of an introduction to the mayoral debate.

The House of Emigrants near the Växjö lake in the heart of the city contains library, museum, and a research center relating to the emigrationperiod between 1846 and 1930, when 1.3 million (or 20%) of the Swedish population emigrated, mainly to the US. Archives, dating to the 17th century, of birth and death records as well as household records are available on microfiche.

Tours including Växjö, Culture and History

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