Travel Gate Sweden

Linné in Helsingborg

Helsingborg lies across the sound from Helsingör. ”Long and narrow along the coast and a fine port. Here is the right way to go abroad”.
Linnaeus described the 14th century fortress tower as rectangular and solid. Kärnan, as the fortress is known was restored in the 19th century. “The spring north of the town is one of the greatest with clean and clear water, delivered from here to Stockholm to be served at dinners. “. Today the Ramlösa water is a famous brand as well as the park, nominated to one of the official “Linné was here” locations in Sweden.
Near Helsingborg he observed and wondered over the layers of shale and sandstone. “I feel giddy when I stand on these heights and lock down through the ages and see, as wave in the sound the almost worn-out traces of a former world that can only whisper as all else has been silenced.”

Heading north the estate  “Kulla Gunnarstorp captured his attention.” The solidly build, four-sided, 16th century house was surrounded by a moat.” Trees included almond, apricot, Spanish cherry and apples. Kulla Gunnarstorp Photo JochrThe moat is still in good repair. Nearby can be seen an old fortified castle, with ramparts and moats. In the park is the largest beech-tree in Skåne, 6m/20ft in circumference.

Link to adventure tour ideas for Linnaeus travellers

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