Travel Gate Sweden

Linnaeus goes to Höganäs and Kullaberg

The journey from Helsingborg to Kullen went on the sandy beaches, since no roads existed.

Höganäs Harbour Photo: Goran Djordjevic

On their way they passed Höganäs “a big fishing

settlement with a important harbour and fishing industry.” He also described fishing tools and all kind of fish captured here.

The old ritual alongside the coast and tools to capture worms for fishing angle were described by Linnaeus and can still be seen in small the fishermen’s museum in Lerberget.

He stayed the night in the inn at Viken, a busy fishing and farming village then. Today Viken is a seaside resort. Here they had to stay two days because the lack of horses. “The locals were more used to travel by sea than in a horse carriage”.
Linnaeus noted that 300 fruit trees in the orchard and an abundance of lavender and white lilies growed in the garden of Krapperup. Linnaeus stayed at the home of Captain von Kochens, which was built in the late 16th century and rebuilt in the 1790s. Aquavit of good taste was made of windfalls. Here used to be a quelle for heeling water where people threw their coins on a midsummerday. On the order of Von Kochen one example of all the species of captured fish Linnaeus would hand over the following morning for examination. He found that the herring was the fattest and best he had seen.

The steep walls of Kullaberg ( Kullen Mountain were higher than the highest church). At Kullaberg, Linnaeus described the twisted primary gneiss with thick seams of red rock. The red rock was later to be described as kulaite, a geological rarity.
Surrounded by the cliffs and beech forest you find one farmer at Kullagård, with its wonderful view over and sea towards Torekov and the Bjäre peninsula.

Link to adventure tour ideas in the spirit of Linnaeus.

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St Petersburg Centre for the history of IdeasSt Petersburg Center for the History of Ideas fosters international scholarship and researches in the history of ideas, especially in the Age of Enlightenment. The site publishes the results of the Center’s
activities, mostly texts (pdf), and many of them are in Russian, others are in English.

St. Petersburg Center for the History of Ideas
hold on June, 15-16 2007
The International Conference
to the Tercentenary of His Birth

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