Travel Gate Sweden


地处瑞典最南端的斯科耐省占据了北欧最得天独厚的条件,瑞典先进的科技,优惠的经济政策,开放的投资环境和毗邻北欧最大城市哥本哈根的发达的交通枢纽使她 成为您商务和旅游的理想之选。夏日的静谧和冬日的浪漫让您充分品味独特的北欧风情,北欧人的热情将使您流连忘返。平静与动感,古典与现代,城市与自然的完 美结合,一次令人怦然心动的北欧之旅岂容错过!

Welcome to Skåne,
Skåne, which is located in the south part of Sweden, is holding the most favourate conditions of the Northern Europe. It can be the best choice for your business and travel, because of the most advanced technologies of Sweden, the favourable economic policies, the opened investing environment, and the well developed transportation in Copenhagen which is nearby. The tranquility in summer and romance in winter will bring you the typical Nordic style, the fervency of Swedish gives you a feeling like home. There is a combination of peace and innervation, classicality and modern, city and nature, you can not miss such an attractive travel in your life!

From Li Tu

Guest Student in University of Kristianstad

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