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Meet the Finns dinner event in Finland!

If your have your group in Finland let them join a group dinner event:
Enjoy a local dinner with a Finish family. This is a specialty for everyone interested in the Finnish Lifestyle. During this about a three-hours evening program you will enjoy a dinner with the host or the family.

Cosy Finland Dinner concept
You have a great opportunity ask whatever interests you. The main purpose is to allow you to absorb something of the Finnish lifestyle. Dinner includes a salad or an appetizer, a main course and a dessert/coffee or tea. The meal is according to the host’s favourite recipes.
In order to meet the Finns cosily, bigger groups are divided to several homes.
Evening programme will be at at 18-21 (6 to 9 pm)
Dinners are provided in the Helsinki Metropolitan area but also available in other cities to certain extend, please ask.
These dinner activities are available all year around
A typical Finnish meal includes a salad or an appetizer, a main course and a dessert and/or coffee/tea

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